Gloria's New Blog

I must pause to say a sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU for all
that you do. For not bending when the winds rush your
way. For speaking up on behalf of those who cannot speak
for themselves. For fully acknowledging that intactivism
is a necessary component of gentle birth, human rights,
and even of women's health. It is such an honor to have
your site as one that I am able to send
clients/friends/family to and never worry that they will
get myths/misconceptions, or that they will be left
hanging with a lack of information (as is ubiquitously
the case today). Simply, thank you. For who you are and
all that you do. The world is truly a better place
because of you!
Danelle Frisbie
Washington, D.C.
Danelle's Blog...
. . . . .
You're the one...
keep up the good fight for us all, past and future.
In the present you've been there for all the caring, thinking mothers who wanted more, and because of you, got
I'm honoured to know you, to be able to say I know you well enough to
love ya...
Dorell Meikle
Owner, Small Planet Health Foods,
Former La Leche League Leader,
Mother of 4,
Activist with Raging Grannies
. . . . .Gloria Lemay has been such a leader out
on the West coast of Canada, she has stretched the
boundaries of what is possible in birth and what we
define as normal. When we rule the world she should get
a medal and a huge pension.
PA Homebirth.com
. . . . . “I love you to the bones and
back. To the moon and back. To the universe and beyond
and back, and even MORE than that doubled and
Nancy Wainer Cohen, midwife and author of “Silent
Knife” and “Open Season” |
Right across
Canada, provincial governments are regulating and licensing midwives in an effort to respond to consumer demand for gentler, kinder obstetric
practices. Like many government programs, the midwifery movement is losing its alternative nature and becoming more and more like the
medical model it was supposed to replace.
Instead of truly opening up choice for women - grown women who chose to get pregnant, chose to stay
pregnant and then choose to give birth naturally without
medications - the regulation of midwifery has created yet another
controlled member of the medical monopoly on caring.
Women across the country are seeking yet another alternative.
Birth assistants, doulas, labour coaches, private birth
attendants... there are many names for the women who are emerging to take up the alternative role. Now, the same tactics that were used to keep the midwives down
- legal action, ridicule, accusations of ignorance
- are being used to suppress the new alternative birth caregivers.
visit my blog.
I’ll be posting all that’s new about
natural birth,
childcare and other
womanly matters.
News and views from childbirth activist Gloria Lemay:
- holistic education of midwives and doulas
- keeping baby boys intact
- homebirth
- breastfeeding
- health & wellness
I am a contributing editor of Midwifery Today Magazine,
an Advisory Board member of the International Cesarean
Awareness Network (ICAN), and a keynote speaker at
childbirth conferences, travelling throughout North America
teaching midwifery. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Thank you Gloria for all
your work.
I was deeply moved by your words
on the front page of your website. I'm a Labour coach
currently living in Denmark, soon moving to Iceland. Support
from midwives here is little and far between. But then
again, Denmark and Iceland don't have many midwives, but
institutions full of medwives.Thank
you, I really needed the support in your written words. Feel
free to check out my website, the most beautiful pictures of
my pregnant colleague, taken in Africa.
Hilsen / Regards
Eydís Hentze
www.droemmefoedsel.dk |